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Please include the location of the design board the product is coming from in the quote. Having to enter manually is tedious...
So far, the Project Discussion tab has not been a good feature. It does not show all the communication, and now, the Activity...
An update is needed so that people can't overwrite each other's work. Currently multiple people can be in a file (design board,...
While you're working on the Project Discussion Panel Feature, can you please figure out a way to have all comments saved to the...
I know you're still working on the remaining updates to the Project Discussion Panel feature. I see some pros to this, but I am...
I would like the ability to grab All items on a mood board at once and move them together to re-position them. Sometimes I need...
So that I have ALL my client activity in ONE place, I would love to be able to forward my emails from a client to their notes...
Tasks should order by date, anything with no date should be at the bottom.
In financial reports it would be great if you could create a custom report based on POs too and not just invoices.
I use the same font/color/size on all my design boards, and I would like to set it as my Default Font so I don't have to keep...