Private Messages > Allow team members to leave private notes in all product and design board comment fields

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Cole Mackin

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Claudia Appel

It would be so much more robust and appreciated if you could combine this with NOTES. Right now I leave 'notes' but they are at the Project level instead of the more useful, space or board level. If you some how connected Notes and Private Messages for real time internal chat that would be awesome.

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Cole Mackin

Hey everyone!

Just a heads up that this feature and 14 additional requested features have just been added to our new plans. You will find detailed video tutorials on all of these new additions here: designfiles.co/legacy_upgrade

If you would like instant access to these updates, pop over to our plans page and select the plan (designfiles.co/plans) that includes the features you want.


Cole Mackin

Status changed to: Live


Cole Mackin

Status changed to: Planned