Thanks Cole but can I add a request to this? The payment seems to be synching but there are still a couple of more items that would be great. Could we please have a "PO bill" and "PO bill payment" that will sync to QB? We need to be able to create a bill in the PO system as soon as an item is ordered so QB will show that a payment to a vendor is due (step 1) and then once the vendor charges our credit card we need to be able to record the bill payment so the liability is then taken care of (step 2). This will allow us to see in real-time what funds are still owed to vendors since they don't always charge us at the time of purchase.
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Lanna Ali-Hassan
Thanks Cole but can I add a request to this? The payment seems to be synching but there are still a couple of more items that would be great. Could we please have a "PO bill" and "PO bill payment" that will sync to QB? We need to be able to create a bill in the PO system as soon as an item is ordered so QB will show that a payment to a vendor is due (step 1) and then once the vendor charges our credit card we need to be able to record the bill payment so the liability is then taken care of (step 2). This will allow us to see in real-time what funds are still owed to vendors since they don't always charge us at the time of purchase.
Cole Mackin
Hey everyone! This update is now live and ready to use :)
Cole Mackin
Status changed to: Live
Cole Mackin
Status changed to: In progress